Sunday, June 18, 2017

Eating Disorders In Children


Eating disorder may be defined as an unhealthy approach to eating, weight and exercise. It is something more than just refusal to eat. When this problem occurs in children or teens it leads to serious changes in eating habits that may sometimes even be life threatening.

Incidence: Eating disorders usually appear in adolescence or early adult hood but it may be seen in children also. Females are much more vulnerable. Unfortunately in recent years children diagnosed with a case of eating disorder is increasing. A child as young as 7 years can even be diagnosed with an eating disorder. According to a survey done in year 2002 it shows that 28% of girls in grade 9 were engaged in some kind of eating disorder in order to loose weight.

Symptoms to Look For In Children With Eating Disorder: In young children and adolescents it is difficult to identify a eating disorder since children differ in their weight and nourishment naturally according to their growth spurt. If a child is not eating good enough during the growing stage the height may be compromised. Also it is difficult to distinguish between an eating disorder and common food behaviors in young children like picky eating and fussiness. Here are a few symptoms that should be noticed in order to identify a child having some kind of eating disorder.
  • Refusal to eat
  • Body image concerns
  • Social withdrawal
  • Fine hair growing on the body
  • Weight loss or failure to gain weight
  • Lack of growth
  • Thinning hair on head
  • Refusing to sit still
  • Abnormal activities like excessive moving of legs, running around and standing and refusal to sit
  • Hiding food
  • Personality changes like depression or anxiety
  • Menstrual abnormalities in young girls.
  • Throwing up just after eating.
Causes: There are a number of factors that lead to eating disorders in children. They may be combination of biological, behavioral and social factors:
  • Influenced by the fact that underweight means being healthy
  • Fear of becoming overweight
  • Low self-esteem.
  • Distress and depression
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Family circumstances like divorce or loss of a parent
Description Of Some Eating Disorders:

1. Anorexia: In this condition the patient has an extreme fear of getting overweight and does an extreme dieting in order to loose weight. It leads to a weight 15% below the ideal weight for the age. It usually affects girls. Some may also make themselves vomit after eating. It leads to extreme weight loss, and associated symptoms of being sad, angry, worried and denying of feeling hungry. The condition should be managed with the help of a doctor, therapist and a nutritionist.

2. Bulimia: In this condition the patient will binge eat a large amount of food and then later in order to get rid of what is eaten he/she will try to purge by forceful vomiting or using laxatives. Kids who develop bulimia usually have something new or stressful in their lives like a recent move or a divorce of the parents. Theses kids usually show symptoms like going to bathroom soon after eating, not gaining weight despite of eating a lot etc.

3. Binge Eating Disorder: A condition in which a person has no control over eating and eats a lot of food which a normal person wont. The patient shows abnormal behaviors like eating very fast, eating secretly, eating even when not hungry, feels guilty and worried for over eating but has no control over themselves to stop binge eating. This condition leads to obesity.

Most eating disorders can be managed in children through psychotherapy and behavioral therapy. Support from parents and teachers as well as doctors. Some kids may need medications like antidepressants. It is important to identify the condition and treat early since untreated cases may have dangerous long term effects.

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